
Settling In

We’re feeling a bit flounder-y these days. I think it’s a lot to do with age, retirement, kids with kids.Speaking of those kids of our kids, (not that we were,) they’re bounding into the world on handsprings and dance moves and tech smarts I’ve yet to master and admittedly, probably never will. They’re like superheros in grandkid bodies. Feeling low? Just ask one of them for a hug. It’s pure magic. Need a laugh? Ask them a question – about anything. Want help with your cell phone? Hand it over to the one that just learned to walk. She’ll take care of it!

Where did they even come from and how did we get so lucky? It’s overwhelming.

Yet, we find the need to counter balance the overachievers by hanging out with our friends. The old ones, like us. There’s something comforting in watching others struggle to figure out the mystery of multiple remote controls, or how to scan, copy, and print on that one stupid machine. It’s heartwarming to witness others break down in tears and throw their cell phones across the room, or the GPS out the car window. And then back over it.

I think it’s time to get back to the basics – as people our age know it, that is, and find comfort. Gardening. Slow cooking winter stews. Reading books and playing cards. Just about anything else is asking too much of myself these days. Let me go outside and stand in the rain with a good hot cup of coffee, listening to the wind whistle through the trees, and I find contentment.

This old age thing isn’t so bad. Well, I should say this getting just a little bit older isn’t so bad. We don’t consider ourselves old. Old is over eighty-six, we’ve decided. Long, long way to go. Yet, time sure fly’s when you’re over sixty. There doesn’t seam to be a way to slow it down, so I’m resigned to making the most of it. My new years resolution for 2019 won’t be the usual lose weight and get in shape. I’m going to resolve to find good in every person, joy in everyday life, and truth in nature.


Mary Ann


4 thoughts on “Settling In

  1. This is so true Mary Ann and you say it so succinctly as you alway explain difficult thinks in a simple language that I can understand. All your blogs are terrific.
    Many Thanks and Happy Holidays including Christmas
    Dave Keyser

  2. Totally agree- we should meet up for card playing. Brenda is a real whizz at all card games.
    Cheers and Merry Christmas!

  3. Grandkids are great and great grandkids are even better. Just a small comment on your age limits…..if 86 is old then I am almost there and should be ready at 83 to kick it in but far from it, except for the wonky back and hidden forgetfulness.
    Enjoy your family during the holidays, Mary Ann Hayes Coty

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