
Let it Be

Tiz the season for naughty and nice. For some reason, naughty often wins during the holiday season, preying upon exhausted, over-extended parents, and sugared-to-the-moon, kids.

Yet, this year, let nice prevail! Never mind how Jeremiah shovels in the food with his mouth wide open, or how Aunt Mable expels gas at the dinner table. Don’t even notice how Suzie, once again, brought nothing but her four kids and plans to stay and eat you out of house and home, just like every year. Forget about how Frank likes to spend half the day walking around in his boxers and loves to answer the front door with a drink in his hand at ten in the morning. Who cares what the neighbors think! And don’t take offense to having your extra pounds pointed out loud and clear by Betty. It’s just her way of welcoming you to the club.

Naughty would get grumpy and say things that shouldn’t be said. Nice will keep quiet and deal with the bleeding ulcer later. Naughty would hand auntie a gas-x and ask Suzie where’s the food she surely needs to put in the frig. Nice will simply light candles and buy enough food for everyone to get by until the new year.

It’s that old devil on one shoulder and angel on the other – thing. This is the once-a-year time when being the door mat is equal to being a super-hero. Knock that little naughty devil into next year and listen as Paul McCartney whisper words of wisdom straight to your heart – let it be!

Enjoy your Christmas!

Mary Ann