
The Great Escape!

Monday morning was blustery to the point of concern. I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach about our old sailboat tethered to the buoy in front of the house. What if the line didn’t hold? Had we secured it properly- good enough to withstand the tug-of-war it was subject to at that moment? I’d just put my grandson down for his morning nap when I took a quick glance out the window only to witness just the thing I’d been afraid of: the old girl was on the run! My heart leapt to my throat! I literally gasped! Waves crashed all around, up and over her bow, shoving her this way and that. All I knew was I couldn’t possibly initiate a rescue on my own and if something didn’t happen to rein her in, we’d loose her forever. I tore down the road to the home of our friend and neighbor, a retired commercial fisherman, and banged on the front door. Our neighbor is as comfortable with the sea as I am with a glass of wine. I knew he’d know exactly what to do. In a state of panic I begged for help and…

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The Trouble With Tony

Tag along with just-barely-legitimate, yet somehow lovable, Private Detective Tony Russo, while he uncovers the truth behind an “accident” resulting in the death of a woman whose husband has spent his life stalking the one that got away; his long ago high school crush. A story of contemporary mayhem, “The Trouble with Tony,” written by Camano Island resident Mary Ann Hayes, is the long awaited sequel to “A Friend Like Frank,” released in February, 2013. “The Trouble with Tony” is available through Amazon in paperback and ebook form, through local book stores, and through the authors web site, www.maryannhayes.com.


Living in Paradise

So here we are, the luckiest people on the planet, living in the Pacific Northwest. Sometimes it takes a particularly nasty winter to bring about total appreciation of a promising summer. So far, this summer rocks! The view from my kitchen window is startling; bright blue skies, snow capped mountains, clear smooth waters. It’s hard to imagine anything better than this. Getting here was a struggle though, especially with the steely gray winter saturated in rain, mold, and darkness. There are times when I think we must be nuts for living here. Then, just in the nick of time, along comes summer and everything changes. We dry out, it stays light past three thirty in the afternoon, and the abundance of fleece is moved to the guest room closet to make room for our cottons. We survived it again! Sitting here in the sun admiring my amazing surroundings brings on a serious bout of amnesia. What rain? What darkness? I don’t remember anything except what’s happening right now and right now is too good to do anything with but become a part of. It’s crab season for us regular folks. The pots are filling up and the cookers are steaming.…

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