
Happy New Year!

Starting a new year is always exciting for me even though I resolve to do the same things every year; get in shape, lose weight, be a better wife, mom, daughter, sister, friend, etc., etc. Well, this new year is going to be different. I’m not making any resolutions. I mean, who actually lives up to their resolutions anyway? This year, all I’m going to do is stop letting myself down. No more false promises, no more unattainable goals, no more expecting more of myself than I’m able to do. I’m simply going to do my best and for once, finally, my best is going to be good enough. Somewhere along the way we need to give ourselves a break, and this is the year for it. I think I’ll try and like myself better in 2010. Maybe I won’t be so devastated by my silver/gray grow-out and the recent signs of crows feet creeping around my eyes. I’m going to be proud of myself every time I walk the dogs, even if it’s a short walk. A short walk is better than nothing. And when I forget things, I’m not going to immediately jump to the conclusion that I…

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Those Victoria’s Secret Girls Got Nothing On Me!

Yes! I am one pound lighter today! I’m smiling all the way to the fruit bowl! Soon, I will be just like those girls in the Victoria’s Secret catalogs that keep showing up in my mail.  The only difference will be that I’m 35 years older and my legs don’t grow out of my neck.  Those are the ONLY differences. Well, and the hair of course. I mean my hair isn’t quite as long and luxurious as those girls. And my boobs aren’t quite as perky and my bottom has a little bit of cottage cheese on it. But the skin tag on my under arm never actually shows and my bunions feel a lot better in the warmth, so I won’t be walking funny in Mexico. There. That’s the ONLY difference between me and those Victoria’s Secret catalog girls. I had coffee and my protein/superfood shake for breakfast. An orange for a snack and a crab salad for late afternoon whatever it was. I walked three miles with my lovely dogs, Maggie and Rita and did two hundred (I’M NOT LYING) crunchies. Underneath this big ol layer of flab is a six pack just waiting to get out! I’m…

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26 Days and Counting!

Good Morning! I am happy to say I’m on schedule for the 12 pound weight loss plan by January 23rd. I lost 3/4 of a pound yesterday which keeps me right on task!  Never mind that I woke up with a grumbling stomach in the middle of the night. Never mind the pie in the frig or the ice cream in the freezer. I’m ignoring them all! All I can allow myself to visualize is myself looking fit while I walk down the long hot sandy beach in Bucerias Mexico! Anyone doing this with me? Anyone trying to lose a few pounds by the 23rd? Well, join me and we can support and report.  I’ll blog more later! Need to fix a superfood shake and head out the door! Mary Ann


A Good Start

Well, I am off to a good start. I made a commitment yesterday to drop 12 pounds in 28 days. Count down to Mexico! The dreaded muffin top is a tiny bit smaller this morning. I lost 2 pounds! Yes, 2  in one day! Now, yesterday was a grueling day as you can imagine. I ate only raw food except for a bowl of soup and I worked out a good two hours. I am so sore today I could hardly get out of bed. But, I not only rose from near dead, I took my dogs on a five mile walk. I’m going to  recuperate for a few hours here and then do my floor exercises and hit the bow-flex. I had a superfood and protein shake for breakfast and a pear and an orange for snacks! I’m not allowing my mind to wander to the frig for anything like pasta or toast or cheese or….never mind. Anyway, all this makes me think about starting a whole new year in just a few days and wondering how it will be different from all the years in the past.  Will I finally weigh what I want and maintain it? Will…

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Count Down to Mexico!

The dreaded Muffin Top is back!!! It’s not just that the darn thing is here again and billowing over the top of my jeans, it’s the fact that I have only 28 days to lose it before going to Mexico! So, without revealing my weight, because that’s way too scary, I’ll  let you know that I have 12 pounds (yes, twelve!!!) to lose in a mere 28 days. Well, let’s do the math; it means I need to lose approximately 3/4 of a pound a day to make it. Is it possible! OF COURSE IT IS!! All I have to do is start burning calories like there’s no tomorrow! And I shall! For the next 28 days, I will consume no sugar, no fat, no pasta carbs, nothing that tastes really good. I will eat fruits and vegetables raw, raw, raw! And, I will exercise like I’m training for a triathlon! I will work out like a crazy person, getting up early in the morning so I have time to do it all! I pledge to report to you, anyone who cares, every day. I will be honest. Encouragement will be sooooo appreciated so if you want to comment please…

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The Reason for the Season

As a follower of Jesus, I am constantly amazed at the commercialization of Christmas. I know of no other faith that competes with Santa Clause or the Easter Bunny, but Christianity does.  I often wonder how this came to be and why. Wasn’t it enough that Christ died for us or that He was born in a barn and shared space with animals? Did we somehow feel compelled to water down the truth? As I walked my miles this morning in the rain and the wind, I was thinking about a baby being born outside on a cold winters night. I was unhappy in the rain yet I was dressed in my REI rain resistant, fleece lined jacket made of the most light weight and breathable fabric available.  What exactly, was I unhappy about? The rain that slid off my body and off the rim of my waterproof hat? My feet were dry and warm in my waterproof walking shoes with the nice arch supports I simply can’t live without. Then I started to think about giving birth without the luxury of an epidural or fetal monitors or even warm water and clean towels.  Without a medical team waiting near by…

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Enlisting the List!

I am a devoted member of an ever growing non-profit organization called List Makers R Us! Yessirrreee! Not a day goes by that we list makers fail to find the opportunity for a great list!  Our motto, as you might have guessed, is “enlist the list!”  It saves our sanity and Lord knows, we are living on the edge. Life is crazy and young and old alike are losing it; mentally most particularly. Now, the Christmas Season is a bit demanding and the necessity of the list is great! The beauty of the list is not only does is save us from forgetting things, but as I tackle it, I draw a line through whats been accomplished. This way, I can see my progress and feel good about myself. Sometimes, I cheat on the list. For example, the list says bake pies. I can go to Costco and buy the pies instead of having to bake them myself and then check it off the list! There, that was easy and it feels so good! Look what’s been accomplished!  If the list says clean the entire house for company you can give yourself a wonderful Christmas present by hiring a cleaning crew a few…

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Watch-Doggin the Holiday Bubble!

Ever notice the words that come out of our mouths during the stress of the holiday season? Oh, it can be pretty ugly at times and can ruin events that were meant to become wonderful family memories.  New Years comes and we vow to do better next year, but that does nothing to mend the damage already done! So, what’s a person to do when faced with disapproving in-laws, frowning uncles, whispering aunties and screaming nieces and nephews? Here is an easy little exercise many people have used over the years, including myself, to prepare themselves for both the good and the bad of the holiday season.  Let’s use Christmas day as an example. 1) Make a list of everyone you will be spending time with Christmas day. 2) Next to each name write what you like the best about that person, even if it’s the fact that they almost never show up! 3) Look at the name or names of the people you don’t enjoy and write down specifically what it is that bothers you. How have they offended you? What have they said or done in the past to cause such negativity in you? 4) Read the list…

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